Activities & Clubs
Rancho Santa Fe Leadership Team: The Rancho Santa Fe Elementary Student Leadership Team is a school group comprised of student representatives (forth and fifth grade) who volunteer their time to make RSF the best school possible. Being on the Student Leadership Team is a privilege, not a right. The students enrolled will be expected to show superior performance in the areas of leadership, citizenship and dedication to the betterment of Rancho Santa Fe Elementary School. Click here to apply for Rancho Santa Fe Leadership Team
National Honor Society: The Rancho Santa Fe Elementary National Elementary Honor Society is an academic honor society comprised of 4th and 5th-grade students who excel academically and model exceptional responsibility.
Membership provides an outstanding means to prepare and shape students for their middle-level and high school experiences of the National Honor Society.
Requirements of membership:
- Scholarship: Per national guidelines, at a minimum, students must have a cumulative GPA of 3.5 and a Highly Proficient in Math, Reading, Writing, or Science on AASA.
- Responsibility: Students need to show responsibility in completing classwork and meeting their commitments.
- Service: Students are expected to serve at least 12 hours in service work for our school and community throughout the year. This is easily achieved by attending NEHS-sponsored service opportunities but can also be split into 6 hours of school service hours and 6 community service hours.
- Leadership: Students are leaders within our school community and show their brilliance in multiple capacities.
Students who accept membership and are inducted into the chapter should be aware of the time and commitment involved with this honor. For example, there are chapter meetings and members also must participate in chapter service projects to benefit our school and community. The time commitment is a minimum of 12 hours between August 2022 - May 2023. Click here to apply for the National Honor Society